AMC publishes ethical breaches in online media


Albanian Media Council presented  on January 29, 2019, findings from a media monitoring process developed during a 5-month period. This process was done as part of the Media Observatory II project, aimed at self-regulation of media in Albania through the implementation of the Code of Ethics of the Journalist.

Ms. Vasilika Laci, the representative of Civil Rights Defenders (CRD), who also supported the implementation of this process, gave the opening speech.

Mr. Koloreto Cukali, Chairman of the Albanian Media Council, explained the methodology used during the monitoring process.

The monitoring focused on 40 online media, mainly portals, but also TV and print media. The purpose of the study was to present a visual  scanner to see the most common violations of the Code  in the media.

Ms. Vasilika Laci, the representative of Civil Rights Defenders (CRD), who also supported the implementation of this process, gave the opening speech.

Mr. Koloreto Cukali, Chairman of the Albanian Media Council, explained the methodology used during the monitoring process.

The monitoring focused on 40 online media, mainly portals, but also TV and print media. The purpose of the study was to present a visual  scanner to see the most common violations of the Code  in the media.

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