Tag Archive for: media

Digital transformation in a changing media landscape

On October 30, Swedish Radio Media Development Office held a seminar, based on SVT’s experience of covering the terrorist attack in Paris in 2015, which revealed serious shortcomings in the organization for both the offer in broadcast and especially online. SVT is now one of the leading news providers on the internet in Sweden. The digital transformation has made SVT a better and faster news provider on all available platforms.

The seminar was organized in cooperation with Albanian Media Council and the Albanian Public Provider (RTSh), and was attended by journalists of the media members of the Alliance for Ethical Media, of RTSh and students of the Faculty of Journalism in the Tirana University.

To accelerate the digital transformation of Albanian media the Swedish Radio Media Development Office is also performing a case study in order to support the digital transformation within the media landscape in Albania.

Among the topics discussed were:

The world are changing – and so the media landscape. How SVT News moved from broadcast to app, and thte 8 success factors for a digital transformation.


Albania, libertà di stampa a rischio. Fnsi: «Governo italiano e Ue intervengano»

Comunicato Stampa della Federazione Nazionale della Stampa Italiana

«Il parlamento e il governo dell’Albania si preparano ad assestare il colpo di grazia alla libertà di stampa nel silenzio assordante della comunità internazionale. La prossima settimana comincerà l’iter parlamentare della proposta di legge, fortemente voluta dal governo, che con il pretesto di contrastare il fenomeno delle fake news, permetterà ad un’autorità pubblica di nomina governativa di chiudere e oscurare i siti web di informazione. La Federazione nazionale della Stampa italiana fa sua la denuncia dei colleghi albanesi e invita l’Unione europea e il Consiglio d’Europa, ma anche il governo italiano, che con l’Albania intrattiene solidi rapporti diplomatici e commerciali, ad accendere i riflettori sulle azioni liberticide messe in atto nel Paese delle Aquile ai danni dei giornalisti e degli operatori dei media. In Albania da anni la stampa non viene messa nelle condizioni di seguire gli eventi cui partecipano il premier, il sindaco di Tirana e i loro partiti. Le conferenze stampa sono cadute in disuso e, quando vengono convocate, non viene permesso ai giornalisti di fare domande. È una situazione inaccettabile, che non può lasciare indifferenti le istituzioni e i governi europei. Se è vero che l’Albania è candidata ad entrare nell’Unione europea, è impensabile che i negoziati possano svolgersi soltanto su questioni di natura economico-finanziaria e non essere estesi alla garanzia del rispetto delle libertà e dei diritti fondamentali, a cominciare dalla libertà di espressione e di stampa». Lo afferma, in una nota, Raffaele Lorusso, segretario generale della FNSI e componente del Comitato esecutivo della Federazione internazionale dei giornalisti.

University of Elbasan: Is it the time for the “Order of Journalism”?

Unlike many other universities that AMC has visited during the universities’ tour where most students aspire to a future in communication or PR positions, at the Univ. A. Xhuvani in elbasan, most of them dreamed of journalism.

Prof. Mark Marku with students of Journalism in the Uni. “A. Xhuvani” of Elbasan

The students were well aware of the ethical problems that the media present in the country and presented their concerns during the debate. They expressed the need to regulate the lack of ethics in the country, although they were well aware that this could not be done through state regulation. According to Mr. Mark, if it were necessary to choose between a quality but state-controlled journalism and a non-quality but free journalism, the scales should skew the latter.

Jornalists S. Shameti (center) and A. Lela (right) during the visit in the “A. Xhuvani” University of Elbasan

One of the ideas hinted by the students was to create an institution similar to the Journalist Order (as it is in Italy) which would be able to “certify” journalists employed in the media to guarantee their ethics. Although the journalist Lela considered it necessary to have a qualitative hierarchy in journalism, Mr. Cukali argued that this would affect the freedom of anyone who does not have a certificate to engage in journalism, or even in the form of citizen journalism.

Jornalists S. Shameti debating with the students of “A. Xhuvani” University

Students and professors of the University asked AMC to raise the standards of journalism of today, but in the end the overriding idea was that the public, who through their “clickings” is the ultimate “certifier” of the media quality, was of primary importance.

If the audience prefers to click on the journalism of “spectacle” and abusive media, it will create space for this journalism to flourish. The more illiterate the media audience is, the more the unethical media will thrive.

AMC talks ethics at the newsroom of Syri.net

z. Mark Marku dhe Z. Sokol Shameti në bisedë me gazetarët e Syri.net

The Albanian Media Council has launched a friendly tour through several news media outlets to talk to journalists about ethics in the media. This tour comes after last year’s troubling findings, where in 40 media the average violation of ethics was 9 (violations) a day.

The last meeting was held at the Syri.net editorial board with the presence of 2 experts of ethics, Mr. Mark Mark and Mr. Sokol Shameti.

One of the points that was discussed was one of the most common violations in online media and that was “presumption of innocence and reporting of judicial practices”. In many cases, journalists consider the individual to be a criminal even though there is no court decision that he is. According to the Albanian Code of Ethics of Journalist no one should be considered guilty without a court decision.

This highly productive meeting for Syri.net journalists’ daily work, is part of a project supported by OSFA and the EU.

(in the picture, Dr. Mark Marku and Sokol Shameti in the newsroom of Syri.NET)