Tag Archive for: AMC

Visiting the newsroom of Dosja.al: preparing for the moment when serious media will prevail

Prof. Mark Marku, during the visit in the newsroom of Dosja.al

The Albanian Media Council resumed visits to the newsrooms of the Albanian media, visiting today the newsroom of DOSJA.AL where for 90 minutes there was a wide conversation on the ethics and everyday problems of the new media. Dosja.al is one of the few portals that puts the names of reporters on the homepage, an action that demonstrates a commitment to ethics and responsibility for published articles.

Journalist Sokol Shameti, during the visit in the newsroom of Dosja.al

The lack of media ethics in the recent earthquake panic,was also dscussed in the meeting. The panic was created above all by the need to shock instead of reporting the news.
One of the most pressing problems of online journalism was also discussed, the need for “clicks” abusing “ethics”.
“Writing about a banal status form a singer  takes thousands of clicks more than writing about water scarcity in the city,” one reporter noted. According to ethics’ expert, pedagogue Mark Marku, this is a temporary situation, similar to the “frenzy” in the post-90s media, but later, the development of the society only selected serious newspapers, instead of the unethical ones. The chaotic situation with the new media and the severe lack of ethics in some of them will in a few years lead to a selection of serious non-abusive media.
According to journalist and ethics’ expert Sokol Shameti, “switching from getting the news from newspaper news to getting them from a portal is similiar to the switch from craft to industrial production, and we need to find the means for “industrial production” of news to maintain the same standards and quality that had the “craft production” of news.
The CJM left the meeting with the feeling that another media outlet is committed to ethics and that an alliance of ethical media outlets in Albania is possible.

* This project is kindly supported by Open Society Foundation Albania (OSFA).


European Federation of Journalists reacts against the 2 draft-laws about online media

As a result of the declaration made by a group of organisations for the protection of human rights, freedom of information and journalists associations,  demanding from the Albanian Prime Minister to drop the two proposals on regulation of online media, 2 powerful international organisations join them in this battle.

The European and International Federation of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) have joined their Albanian affiliates, the Association of Professional Journalists of Albanian and the League of Albanian Journalists, and the other organisations on their request to the government to drop an amendment that are designed to take control of online media and that will put in risk online media freedom in Albania.

Read the full publication on the page here:

European Federation of Journalists reacts against the 2 draft-laws about online media

As a result of the declaration made by a group of organisations for the protection of human rights, freedom of information and journalists associations,  demanding from the Albanian Prime Minister to drop the two proposals on regulation of online media, 2 powerful international organisations join them in this battle.

The European and International Federation of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) have joined their Albanian affiliates, the Association of Professional Journalists of Albanian and the League of Albanian Journalists, and the other organisations on their request to the government to drop an amendment that are designed to take control of online media and that will put in risk online media freedom in Albania.

Read the full publication on the page here:

Statement: Government of Albania should retract proposed laws on online media

In democratic countries, laws aim to protect citizens from the government and not the government from citizens

BIRN representative Gjergj Erebara and AMC representative Koloreto Cukali, during the press conference presenting the declaration against the 2 draft-laws that threaten the freedom of the online media.

A group of organizations for the protection of human rights, freedom of information and journalists associations demand from the Prime Minister to drop proposals on regulation of online media.

We inform the public that the two proposals endangers freedom of expression and could turn Albania in a undemocratic country and in the same time, are not helpful in tackling existing problems of the media, including hate speech, defamation, propaganda or disinformation.

The two draft-lawsi aim to create a registry of online publications and provide rights to an institution known as the “Complaints Council” to sanction online media based on third party requests, to order their closure or block of the access on such media in the territory of the Republic of Albania.

The draft-laws provide legal mechanisms for Audiovisual Media Authority (AMA) and Tax Authority to fine or close down online media without clear procedures. As such they pose a threat to seriously increase the level of censorship and self-censorship already present in Albania’s media scene.

We observe that the argument provided repeatedly by AMA and other officials, including Prime Minister Edi Rama, that the proposals are based on “Croatian model” is inaccurate. We have investigated such claims and found that no such laws exist in the Republic of Croatia.

If the ruling socialist parliamentary majority will enact these proposals, our hybrid democracy will inevitably slither toward an authoritarian regime. In democratic countries, the aim of the law is to protect citizens from the government and not to protect government from the citizens.

While acknowledging the numerous problems that currently plague online communications, including unnecessary offensive language, libel and hate speech, we believe that the current proposals fail to tackle such issues while in the same time, they have the potential to be used as pressure tools by the government against journalists and critics.

Self-regulation of the media, education and public awareness campaigns aiming to improve media literacy; awareness of propaganda, disinformation and fake news are the adequate tools to counter these problems – both online and offline.

Being aware that Albania has to align its legislation with that of the European Union, we observe that the two proposals risk setting back the process of European integration of the country.

List of signatory organizations:

BIRN Albania

Association of Professional Journalists of Albania

League of Albanian Journalists

AIS/Open Data Albania

Civil Rights Defenders

Albania Media Council

MediaLook Center

New Media Network
