Three years after the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia

The murder of the investigative journalist, Dafne Caruana Galizia in Malta, has been the headline of the foreign media since the moment when a bomb attack on her car took her life, in October 2017. Today is the third anniversary of the murder of the journalist.

Seen as a violent attack on free speech in a peaceful EU member state, her death sparked a political “earthquake” that ousted a prime minister and led to major constitutional changes in the former British colony.

However, three years later, justice has not yet been done for Caruana Galizia’s family. There were no trials or convictions. The three accused of planting the bomb that killed him will not stand trial until next year.

Daphne’s assassination is a bad signal for all democracies, because it tells corrupt officials that if they kill journalists who investigate them, they can throw it at them.

The Albanian Media Council on the anniversary of the murder of the Maltese journalist, wants to express maximum support for the work of all journalists like Daphne who are in constant danger by publicly exposing corrupt affairs and corrupt politicians in Albania. The pressure is great, the propaganda is at its peak, so examples like Daphne show that today journalists need to be more united than ever.

Today marks 3 years since the assassination of journalist Dafne Caruana Galizia who was investigating corruption scandals in her country that went to the highest levels of business policy in Malta, a country of the European Union.

Hearings and interviews with people involved in the case will be published in the Daphne Project, an international reporting collaboration involving the Guardian, Forbidden Stories, Reuters and the Times of Malta.