AMC Reacts to the situation in ORA NEWS and TV ORA

AMC is very concerned regarding the recent events around and in, TV ORA and Ora News. The attack by FNSH and RENEA on the premises of these two television stations critical with the government is a de facto attack on free speech.
AMC supports the rule of law and justice institutions, but notes that the decision to seize (sequester) these two televisions is a hasty decision, because it has created the framework to appoint state administrators on top of the broadcasters putting de facto the editorial line under “seizure” (sequester).
On the other hand, the “interpretation” of the act of seizure by the Albanian Government by sending the special police forces RENEA and FNSH is in fact an excuse to intimidate not only of the journalists of the 2 media involved, but also of creating a chilling effect to other media and journalists critical with the government.
AMC poses the request to the Albanian Government to withdraw the police and special forces from the premises of the two televisions.
AMC poses the request SPAK to re-evaluate the request for seizure of two televisions in favor of freedom of information. Albania is in dire need of justice, but this act will backfire by making the justice less effective if legal spaces are created to intimidate the work of journalists.