AMC statement based on the reaction of the Venice Commission regarding the Anti-Defamation package

June 6, 2020

A group of civil society organizations listed in the fund to issue a statement welcoming the opinion of experts and experts on the representation of Europe for Democracy through Law (Venice’s approval) and to thank the experts formulated for the analysis of the capital who made proposals. more Ministers in the so-called Anti-Defamation Package.

Organizations of the remark that those interested in making money for us from December 2018 visit when the first draft was proposed by the Council of Ministers until December 19, 2019, when the changes in the laws were approved in the Albanian Parliament, confirm as major lessons on freedom of expression, democracy and the rule of law from the Venice Opinion.

We call on Prime Minister Edi Rama as a legitimate initiator and parliamentary majority to accept the opinion of Venice as final and exhaustive and to constantly create the law in question.

As stated in the opinion of Venice “… tools to introduce in the modification of the use of opportunities more to provide more services for the release of expressions in Albania.”

We call on the Prime Minister and the Socialist majority to allow more demonstrations to be made on how we can gather publicly reflecting on the mistakes of the tires in thinking about freedom of expression.

The organizations thank the many citizens who offer the opportunity to understand the 18 months in defense of freedom of expression in Albania.

List of organizations
BIRN Albania
Defenders of civil rights
Citizens’ Channel
bring proofs
Albanian group for everything human
Albanian Media Institute
Albanian Media Council
Albanian Helsinki Committee
Albanian Journalists Association
New Media Network
Res Publica Center
Albanian MediaLook Center
Albanian Center for Quality Journalism
Albanian Association of Professional Journalists
Albanian Association of European Journalists
Union of Albanian Journalists