All must condemn the death threats against journalist Alice Taylor!

AMC strongly condemns the death threats sent on social networks to the journalist Alice Taylor, who is also a member of the Board of the Alliance for Ethical Media. These threats, made from fake Facebook accounts that may come from individuals, companies, politicians or even political groups who have reason to be afraid of the work of independent journalists, are a clear expression of the climate of violence against the media that exists in the country. The Albanian government cannot be blamed directly for such threats from fake Facebook accounts, but, it must take responsibility for the climate of violence against journalists, which creates the environment for such acts. This violent climate can be eradicated only through strong reactions from the executive branch and all political actors in the country; as well as through concrete acts to find the culprits.

AMC calls on the Albanian authorities to fully investigate the event and find the persons responsible, so to discourage further threats of death to other fellow journalists.