Ethical standards related the incident with journalist Myzyraj, of Ora News

In light of the incident that happened on April 12th, 2021, with the journalist of Ora News Isa Myzyraj,  (link here: dhe-ora-news/) the Albanian Media Council feels obliged to set straight the ethical standards of interviewing, as well as the duties and the rights of the journalist who conducts interviews, based on the Code of Ethics of the Albanian Journalist.

  1. It is the absolute right of a journalist to ask questions and point the microphone at anyone. The journalist’s questions should be of public interest.
  2. People elected to public office have less privacy protection than ordinary people. The higher the post, the lower the range of privacy.
  3. Public persons have a duty to answer questions of public interest. A journalist may not insert recording equipment and make unauthorized recordings in the private premises of an individual, even if he/she is a public official.
  4. The journalist cannot be obstructed in his work as a journalist, nor can he or she  be physically restricted during the exercise of his duty, especially when this duty is performed in public places.

Regarding the above, AMC deems that the journalist of Ora News, Myzyraj, has been illegally physically restricted from practicing his profession, in order to inform in the public interest, during an attempted interview in public premises.