Press Release – Presence of OSCE in Albania on “WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY”

The OSCE in Albania has issued a press statement on World Press Freedom Day in which it says it stands by Albanian journalists in their mission, especially in times of crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

The official statement also reiterated the OSCE’s recommendations to the media. One of them is the self-regulation of the media as an important alternative to its proper functioning in contrast to regulation through government.

OSCE Full Declaration

On the World Press Freedom Day, the OSCE Presence in Albania stands by the Albanian journalists in fulfilling media’s crucial mission in democratic countries at any times, and especially in times of crisis like the current COVID-19 pandemic. We support them in their efforts for proper working contracts, better access to information, freedom of expression, and increased professionalism.

On this occasion, we also reiterate the OSCE’s recommendations for access for journalists to public events in particular during election campaigns, deconcentration of media ownership, and full decriminalization of defamation, and encourage media self-regulation as a superior alternative to government regulation.