AMC participated in AIPCE’s webinar to discuss important topics

The Albanian Media Council participated yesterday in the webinar organized by the Alliance of Independent Press Councils of Europe.

AIPCE is a network of independent content regulators for both press and broadcast media. European Councils are full members, non-European Councils are associate members. The participants of the webinar were Press Councils’ representatives from Albania, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Mongolia, Russia, Serbia, Sweden, United Kingdom / IPSO, ), as well as Mrs. Adeline Hulin (UNESCO), Renate Schroeder and Adrien Collin from European Federation of Journalists (EFJ).

Some of the discussed topics were:

  • privacy versus social interest
  • intrusive or pushy behavior of journalists towards patients or doctors and other health care providers
  • reporting related to scientific research into the treatment of diseases
  • reporting about or promotion for inactive medicines
  • sensational reporting and sensational titles
  • information behind the paywall
  • insufficiently critical or too critical reporting
  • changed narrative and the way in which corona and Covid-19 have made other themes and stories invisible
  • access to information for journalists and threats to freedom of the press
  • consequences for the practical functioning of press councils such as
  • increase or decrease in the number of complaints
  • have press councils issued new guidelines or changed their code
  • advice and training for journalists about the crisis or about dealing with stress
  • working from home
  • financial consequences for press councils
According to organizer, Pieter Knapen, ‘Such a webinar can show the outside world that as press councils we follow current events, even if in some cases the corona crisis has no or little impact on our operations. It may say something about the level of public satisfaction with reporting on the crisis and it can clarify whether there are small or large differences between different countries. This information can be relevant to the public, journalists and policy makers.’
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